Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > the Truth always appearing > Page 3


Truth showings ~ story & sayings & verse

Page 3

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Zen Master Mu-Nan sent for Shoju, his disciple. Said Mu-Nan, "I'm an old man, Shoju, and you'll carry on this teaching. Here is a book passed down seven generations, master to master. Also, I've added some notes you will find valuable. Here, keep it with you as a sign I've made you my successor." Immediately, Shoju burned it!

The letter [i.e., written law] brings [spiritual] death, but the Spirit gives life.

2 Corinthians 3.7

The above Zen story tells one side of wisdom, as does the epistle reading. In the Zen story, the Buddhist approach is used in which spiritual stories and teachings emphasize one aspect of wisdom and, then, an apparently contrary one in another setting by another story or teaching. So, to stress one side as absolute to itself, is to miss the whole point, while both points together are true. Yet, the one side conveys an important aspect.

The epistle reading points to an over-simplification, indeed misleading caricature, of the early Christian community as it was differentiating itself from its Jewish beginnings in devotion to written Law [Torah]. This caricature points well, however, to the potential of clinging to written words as in themselves conveying Life, of supplanting inner revelation with external teachings. There is no evidence to verify or hint at this being the case for many, or most, of the Jews, however. And this would be no different, anyway, than the church coming, at times, so to attach to words that the Bible or teachings of church hierarchy became more important than the "Spirit" that "gives life" ~ even now many are proud to be identified as a "Bible believer" and "Bible believing Christians," both references which the early Christian communion would not have seen as accurate ways of speaking of itself. Indeed, the early Christians began as a Spirit movement, and became, in time, a 'church' movement and a 'Bible' movement, wherein the inner witness of Spirit was replaced with words-of-men. Still, the passage points us, as the early Christians, to the Spirit as Life-giving, not words attributed to Spirit, such as claims of a Spirit-inspired Bible: this even as the lovers letters convey Love that cannot give the Love only the lover can share in direct communion-with the beloved.

Holy books, as other books,
and as well as nature itself,
can inspire to Truth, but not
give Truth ~ only Truth gives Truth,
for this giving is Truth giving Itself.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > the Truth always appearing > Page 3

©Brian Wilcox 2024